When you find someone this good you stick with them. My wife for 34 years, my mechanic for 22 and Dr. Yaffe for 29. In fact, when I moved to the suburbs, over 60 miles away, I didn’t even consider looking for another doctor.
When Dr. Yaffe is talking to you, you can tell that he sincerely cares about your well being and he has been talking to me for a long time. I had my yearly physical a few days ago and, once again, he took his time, answered all the questions I had and I am following all his recommendations, I trust him completely. In fact, I trust him with my kids who recently became his patients.
I have never had the opportunity of consulting with Dr. Ruden but he took excellent care of my mother-in-law, someone I loved deeply and who trusted Dr. Ruden always.
It always amazes me how some people write reviews where they complain about a Dr. not spending enough time with them and in the same sentence complain of having to wait. Well, if the Dr. is talking time to answer questions and talk to patients he/she will probably run late, that, in my book is a good thing. When I make an appointment in advanced (not the same morning for example) the wait can vary from no wait to an hour and I do not mind at all, I imagine the patient before me is my wife and the Dr. is answering all her questions and putting her mind at ease and that is worth the wait.
Thank you Dr. Yaffe and thanks to all your colleges and staff for all this years of excellent care.