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Medical Offices of Manhattan

What are Acne Scars?

Acne scars are lasting marks caused by severe or untreated acne, and they can impact patients both physically and emotionally. Risk factors for developing acne scars include being male, having a family history of acne, and the severity of the acne itself. 

What are the different types of acne scarring? 

Acne scarring can be categorized into different types, including atrophic scars (ice pick scars, boxcar scars, and rolling scars), hypertrophic scars, and keloid scars. 

  • Atrophic scars are characterized by deep pits or depressions in the skin.
  • Hypertrophic scars are similar in size to the original acne lesion. 
  • Keloid scars extend beyond the boundaries of the original wound. 

Sometimes, scars from acne can have a mix of different physical features, and they can also change the color of the skin where the acne was.

What causes acne scarring? 

Acne scars happen when your skin tries to heal after acne. Things that can make the scars worse include picking or squeezing acne and smoking. Men often get more severe acne and scars because of certain hormones, while women tend to seek treatment earlier and have a lower chance of getting scars. We’re not entirely sure why acne causes scars, but it seems to involve changes in how your skin gets inflamed and how it heals.

What are the treatments for acne scarring? 

The treatments for acne scars are different depending on the type of scars you have. It’s important to talk to a dermatologist to figure out the best treatment for you. Some common treatments for sunken acne scars include: 

  • Surgery
  • Resurfacing procedures
  • Manual extraction
  • Electrocauterization
  • Draining of cysts and abscesses. 

There are also treatments like lasers and light therapy. For certain scars and severe acne, you might need medical or surgical treatments like injections or surgery.

How can acne scarring be prevented? 

To prevent acne scars, it’s important to get help early and work closely with a dermatologist to create a plan just for you. Before starting treatment, think about how scars affect your daily life, how you want to look after treatment, your budget, how much time you can take off, and how much time you can commit. Dermatologists will look at your scars and might suggest treatments like lasers. While some natural remedies like tea tree oil are out there, it’s best to trust treatments that have solid evidence and talk to your healthcare team for the best results.

What Are The Risks If Acne Scars Are Left Untreated? 

Leaving acne scars untreated can result in permanent scarring, affecting your skin’s appearance and texture. It may also lead to psychological distress, uneven skin texture, dark spots, and continued acne breakouts. Early intervention with a dermatologist is essential to minimize these risks and prevent long-term consequences.

Meet Medical Offices of Manhattan

Dr. Amy Huang's path to becoming a board-certified dermatologist is defined by exceptional education. She earned her Doctor of Medicine from the State University of New York Downstate Medical Center in 2017, preceded by a Preliminary Year in Internal Medicine at the Icahn School of... Learn More »