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Medical Offices of Manhattan
Take Care of Your Skin This Winter

The days are starting to get colder and air is starting to get dryer. It’s time to start protecting your body’s largest organ – your skin. The dry air that occurs in the colder months actually draws out the moisture from your skin and can cause it to get flakey, crack, and even bleed.

What can you do to protect your skin in the winter?
  1. Use a humidifier
  2. Cover your face with a scarf and use gloves
  3. Apply moisturizer, especially after a shower
  4. Use lip balm or ointment on lips

November is National Healthy Skin Month, but it’s important to protect your skin all year round. It is recommended that you go for a dermatology consultation annually for a full body exam to ensure your skin is healthy and free of abnormalities. Our Dermatologist, Dr. Andra Persaud is available for appointments at our UpperEast Side and Columbus Circle locations.