A lot of individuals aren’t prepared for the physical strain that comes with doing strenuous activities outside, and they also aren’t aware of the possible risks that come with being outside when it’s cold. Participants in winter activities who do not observe basic safety protocols run the risk of developing unintentional hypothermia.
Hypothermia occurs when the core temperature of the body drops below 35 degrees Celsius, which is equivalent to around 95 degrees Fahrenheit. It takes place when your body is unable to create enough energy to sustain the internal body temperature at an adequate level. It is a potential killer. A lack of coordination, mental disorientation, sluggish responses, shaking, and tiredness are some of the symptoms of this condition. Visit a physician as soon as possible if you notice any of the signs of hypothermia.
Layer up your clothes if you want to stay warm. This creates a barrier by sandwiching air between layers. Put on a cap or scarf to cover your hair. Your head is a major heat loss area. And frostbite may be extremely painful for the ears. Remember to keep your extremities toasty, since they are the first to lose heat.
Don’t overwork your heart by shoveling without taking regular pauses. When you take a break, tune in to how your body is responding. Recognize the symptoms of a heart attack and pay attention to your body, but remember that you should always be checked out by a doctor if you are experiencing any unusual health issues, even if you are unsure whether they are related to a heart attack.
If you are looking for some interesting options other than your regular tea and coffee, you can try turmeric milk (golden milk), hot lemon water, or hot cocoa.
Drinking alcoholic drinks either before or just after shoveling snow is not a good idea. Alcohol may increase a person’s perception of warmth, causing them to underestimate the additional strain that exposure to extremely cold temperatures places on their body.
When hiking in the winter, it is important to choose shoes that have a strong grip so that you do not slide on any ice spots. If you live near ski trails, cross-country skiing is a great way to work out your whole body and have fun in the winter. Snowshoeing is also an easy-to-do and fun winter exercise in the snow that can help you stay in shape while you explore the scenery.
Always pay attention to your body’s cues and the weather, and don’t forget to stay hydrated and warm up properly before working out outside in the winter. Before starting a new exercise plan, it’s also a good idea to talk to a doctor or nurse, especially if you already have health problems.