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Medical Offices of Manhattan
New year, new doctor? 

This time of year is full of firsts, mostly first doctor’s appointments, with new year insurance changes and fresh starts. Though it might be a bit frightening, your first doctor’s appointment need not be. Your new doctor’s appointment must be as effective as possible if you are to obtain the attention and care you need and deserve. These pointers will enable you to optimize the face-to-face time you will spend with your new doctor and enjoy a stress-free first appointment.

Before Your First Visit to Your Doctor

Being ready helps, as everything about your medical history and present state of health will require review. To help you arrange and sort your ideas, first consider what you want to receive out of the visit. Your objective may be to enable the doctor to better grasp your medical history or to elicit a response to a particular query, like, “Should I worry about this rash on my leg?”

If at all possible, creating a written or printable history would be very beneficial. Time may be saved by notes on your everyday living activities—eating, drinking, exercising, sleeping, etc.—as well as the findings of any home tests you do, such as blood sugar or blood pressure readings.

Written notes outlining your issues, symptoms, and wants as accurately and precisely as possible will be another time-saver if you are in the office due to an illness and beyond the “getting-to-know-you” stage. If you are in any kind of pain, write down for what length of time, where the discomfort is situated, how much it hurts, and what makes it better or worse.

At the appointment 

Skip the tension and make sure you bring the following with you on your first doctor’s visit:

  • a valid picture ID.
  • Your insurance card.
  • List the drugs you use; bring the bottles with you if preferred.
  • Your medical records.
  • a list of questions ordered in importance.

Remember to keep to your list of questions or objectives even when your doctor enters your room and has your prescriptions shipped to the current pharmacy.

Your initial appointment serves to get to know your new doctor as much as it does efficiency. Keep close attention to how the doctor treats you to assist you in ascertaining if they are the appropriate fit for you throughout your visit with him or her.

Following Your First Trip 

Remember, your first doctor’s appointment is not done until you know precisely what you are required to do and when you should go back. Not a one-time occurrence, a first doctor’s visit is a component of a new yet continuous connection. There’s nothing wrong with phoning the office if you find you missed a crucial question or if you find it difficult to follow the doctor’s advice. Finally, even if you are feeling better, be sure you do not overlook your return trip.