Pregnant? Hoping to become pregnant? Know a loved one who is?
Read this now.
No amount of alcohol is safe to drink during pregnancy.
A new study revealed that all forms of alcohol at all stages of pregnancy can be dangerous. While this may appear to be a well-known fact, there are mothers-to-be who continue to drink in small – or sometimes regular – amounts. Those who binge drink when they are not pregnant tend to consume alcohol during pregnancy.
Even in small quantities, drinking during pregnancy can lead to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Birth defects that affect heart, kidney and bone development can be attributed to prenatal exposure to alcohol; these preventable birth defects and developmental disabilities can lead to life-long problems and even death.
Those who are pregnant are reminded not to consume alcohol, while those attempting to become pregnant should also avoid imbibing as no amount of alcohol is safe for the development of a fetus.
For more information, read the complete article here.