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Medical Offices of Manhattan
Blog Are you being stalked by a “silent killer”?

It was a threat that had no symptoms, no warning signs, and could strike anyone at any time. The threat was known as the "silent killer."

Posted on April 17 2023
News What Happens to Your Body If You Don’t Get Enough Vitamin D

Despite the fact that authorities advise individuals to consume 600 IU of the vitamin each day, it is only present in a small number of foods, including fatty fish, eggs, mushrooms, fortified milk, and cereals, making it challenging to meet the necessary level through diet alone. Instead, the majority of people acquire it through dietary supplements or direct exposure to natural sunlight.

Posted on April 17 2023
Blog What is included in an annual physical and why is it necessary?

A yearly physical is essential because it enables your doctor to keep track of your general health, spot any health issues before they become serious, and advise you on leading a healthy lifestyle.

Posted on April 10 2023
News Do Bile Duct Hamartomas Cause Cancer?

Bile duct hamartomas are liver lesions that grow. These uncommon growths are usually harmless, but they have a small chance of becoming cancerous.

Posted on April 7 2023
News When Is the Best Time to Work Out?

What difference does it make when we exercise? Longevity may be high on your list if you're just looking to feel good while living a long and healthy life.

Posted on April 7 2023
News How long does constipation last?

Can't poop? It's not just you! According to the Mayo Clinic, constipation is defined as having fewer than three bowel motions per week and affects about 4 million Americans often.

Posted on April 6 2023